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Are you feeling stressed or anxious? Waea mai ki a mātau - give us a call!

On this page you will find out about our Anxiety Helpline and some resources that can support you.

Try the calming technique below.

Call the Helpline - 0800 269 4389 (0800 ANXIETY)
Practice A Brief Guided Visualisation

Our Helpline gives vital support to people of any age who experience all forms of anxiety, including Panic Attacks, Phobias and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders and to family or friends supporting someone with anxiety. 

If you're feeling anxious and would like to talk to someone about anxiety or would like to seek advice for a friend or family member - you can phone our free 24/7 Anxiety Helpline wherever you are in Aotearoa.

This service is confidential and free of charge. It is the only service of its type in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Who will I be talking to?

Our Helpline is staffed by specially trained and understanding volunteers. If you are experiencing anxiety or panic and don't know what to do, our helpline staff are well-equipped to walk and talk you through the experience.

What do we provide?

  • We will listen and support you with empathy and unconditional acceptance.

  • We can take you through breathing and relaxation exercises that are really effective in reducing feelings of anxiety and panic.

  • We can share information about anxiety and practical strategies you can learn and apply when feeling stressed or anxious.

  • We offer encouragement, education, and advice for anyone experiencing anxiety or supporting someone else living with anxiety.

  • Overnight (midnight to 8am) support is reserved for callers experiencing severe anxiety.

  • Please note we are not a counselling line.

Remember to call 111 in more urgent situations.

>> Find more resources to support you or someone you care about:

Keen to get involved? Find out more about the Helpline Team.
We welcome applications for future training and volunteering opportunities.

Our national helpline operates 24/7, every day of the year, providing support, education, and anxiety management techniques for those living with anxiety and their whānau/family and friends. (Further information at top of page.)

Basic Role Description: Taking calls from people experiencing anxiety who may want help with anxiety management such as breathing and relaxation techniques, support, and education. Shifts are done at the volunteer's home, receiving calls on your mobile phone (diverted from our 0800 number).

Suitability: Our volunteers receive full training, but suitable applicants would meet a certain level of mental health study or work experience (e.g. suits university psychology students who are at least in their 2nd year of study, or anyone with a Level 4 Mental Health qualification). Preference for those with mātau ā-wheako (lived experience) of mental health distress or experience supporting anxious whānau/family. Volunteers also need to be responsible, reliable, and have excellent people skills as the role involves communicating with highly distressed and at-risk individuals. As the role is done from home, it is open to applicants living anywhere in Aotearoa NZ or with mobility limitations/disabilities. 

Supervision and Support: Full training is provided, and volunteers are buddied through initial shifts. A supervisor is on call 24/7 to help in emergency situations and to provide debriefing and support. There are also monthly meetings when the Helpline Team comes together for group debriefing and training (3pm-5pm, first Sunday of each month).

Where: Shifts are done from the volunteer’s own home anywhere in Aotearoa NZ. Training is held online. Monthly meetings alternate between being held online and in person at a location near our Anxiety Clinic (St Lukes, Auckland). Volunteers living outside Auckland are exempt from Auckland-based meetings/trainings/events (but very welcome to join).

Shifts: A commitment of at least 12 months volunteering is required. The Helpline operates 24/7 so a range of shifts require cover, including office hours, evenings, overnights, weekends, and holiday periods. Volunteers would need to commit to one regular weekly or fortnightly shift, but this can be changed as required. 

Training: No costs. Involves 6 x 4-hour sessions on Teams, as well as three brief online courses and an online tutorial about our helpline's tech and support systems.

Helpline Training Programme
The Helpline Training Programme typically runs for new Helpline Volunteer Workers 4 times a year. The training takes place over two weeks and is usually held in university semester breaks.

Recruitment for new applicants takes place in the 1 to 2 months before the training programme starts. Please email the Helpline Manager below with any enquiries.

You can also apply directly for the Helpline Volunteer Training Program by clicking the button below.

Need Immediate Help?

If you are worried about the safety of a loved one, or someone else, you can call the Crisis Team on 0800 800 717 or dial 111 in an emergency. 

Important numbers and resources to find advice and support at a time of crisis or distress:
  • Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor.

  • Lifeline 0800 543 354 or (09) 522 2999 | Free text 4357 (HELP)

  • Youthline 0800 376 633

  • Samaritans 0800 726 666

  • If you or someone you know is at risk of harm: dial 111 or visit your nearest hospital emergency department. 

  • Call 0800 611 116 for your nearest DHB Mental Health Crisis Team (CATT Team).

Do you need support? Yellow Brick Road is a national organisation that provides support for whānau who have a loved one experiencing mental health challenges. 

For more information about helping family / whānau visit

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Ready to learn more about supporting your mental wellbeing?
The Empowered course is a free, self-paced course from Anxiety NZ to help you and your whānau navigate anxiety with proven strategies and support.